Workshops for Dutch Student Group

We gave information about Ebru Art in our workshop and organized a workshop for the Dutch student group who preferred Istanbul for their educational trips. We can organize art and culture activities for schools and companies. Turkish Marbling Ebru Lesson – Turkish Marbling Ebru Art – Old Istanbul


15 May 2023 Geometric Design Tile Workshop

Geometric Design Tile Painting Workshop. Tile Painting Workshop Everyday in Sultanahmet. Morning and Afternoon Tile Lessons For faster reservation, contact us.Watsapp Telephone☎️: +90 505 709 33 84 To join our Turkish Tile Painting Lesson – Turkish Tile and Ceramic Painting Art – Old Istanbul


15 April 2023 Tile Workshop

Private Tile Painting Workshop with Kateryna and Polia. Morning and Afternoon Tile Lessons To join our Turkish Tile Painting Lesson – Turkish Tile and Ceramic Painting Art – Old Istanbul